Does Your Parent Need Extra Care? Hire a Senior Home Care Provider To Assist Them

If your parent is getting older and needs some extra care, you can hire a senior home care service to assist them. This will allow your parent to stay home instead of going to a nursing home. Below are some services a senior home care provider can offer your parent. 

Assist With Day-To-Day Activities

If your parent is not able to bathe on their own, a senior home care service can help them take a bath or a shower. They can also provide safety equipment, if needed. This may be a shower chair for them to sit in or grab bars to help them get in and out of the bathtub. The home care service can make suggestions to you as well, such as installing a walk-in bathtub. Along with a bath or shower, the senior home care service can help your parent dress and/or choose the right type of clothes for the weather. They can assist them with brushing their teeth or cleaning their dentures.   

Other Home Services

The senior home care service can also help with things like cleaning the home, preparing meals for your parent, going to the grocery store, and doing some laundry. This can save you a lot of time as you would have to do these things for your parent. If your parent is on a special diet, you need to tell the service, such as if they are a diabetic or if they need to watch their fat intake. They may take your parent with them when they go to the grocery store or on other errands if they are able. This will help get your parent out of the home, which is beneficial for them. 

Help With Medications

If your parent is on one or more prescriptions it may be hard for you to keep up with. A senior home care service will determine what they take, the amount they take, etc. They may work with your parent's doctor as well. If they see your parent is low on a prescription, they will ensure it is filled so your parent can continue to take the medication without missing any pills. The senior home care service can check your parent's vitals each day. This includes checking their blood pressure, checking their pulse rate, and checking their temperature. If they see something is wrong, they will contact your parent's doctor. 

Contact a senior home care service in your area to learn more about how they can help your parent. 

About Me

home health care for children and adults

Having a special needs child introduces so many complications into the life of a family. The minute my niece was diagnosed with a very rare liver disorder, our entire family came together to try to help with her care. Unfortunately, even with so many people pulling together to help my sister through the day, she was still being run ragged. That is when the home health care worker came into play. If you are considering a home health care worker, this blog could help you learn about the services that are provided for both children and adults requiring a great deal of medical attention at home.
