What You Need To Know About Graviola Supplements

Graviola comes from an evergreen tree and is native to areas of South America. It has newfound popularity in the US as a dietary supplement, used for a wide range of health issues and medical conditions. Graviola is high in vital nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, but is Graviola safe, and what are the benefits?  

Here is what you need to know.

How to Take Graviola

When shopping for Graviola tree supplements, buyers have a couple of options. First, you could use up to four milliliters of liquid Graviola extract per day, or you could choose capsules instead. Since the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) does not approve or monitor Graviola supplements, you will need to do your homework regarding the best products, quality, purity, and dosing for you.   

Potential Risks of Prolonged Use

Graviola is not endorsed by many healthcare practitioners for prolonged, long-term use due to the potential for nerve damage. This side-effect can manifest in tremors or stiffness, and taking Graviola can exacerbate these symptoms if you suffer from neuropathy, Parkinson's, or other nerve damage. Furthermore, Graviola is not recommended for individuals with kidney or liver issues or conditions.  

Always consult with your own doctor prior to starting supplements, including Graviola, especially if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, or are pregnant and/or nursing. 

Benefits Of Graviola

So, what are the potential benefits of Graviola? Furthermore, why should you take supplements? Here are some of the reported and studied benefits of Graviola extract.


Graviola is loaded with antioxidants, which help to rid the body of disease-causing free radicals.  


Graviola possesses anti-inflammatory properties, which could be good news for anyone who struggles with chronic pain conditions.  

Blood Sugar

Graviola shows promise at regulating blood sugar- which can be helpful for those with diabetes. Graviola may contribute to better control over blood glucose.  


Graviola is reported to help protect the stomach lining, which may prevent painful ulcers in the stomach, intestine, or even the esophagus.  


Many healthcare professionals recommend Graviola supplements as a holistic treatment for patients with Herpes, a viral infection.  


Many Graviola users report less fatigue and more energy when supplementing. This can contribute to mood and sleep, subsequently, too.  


Gout is a condition when uric acid builds up and causes pain, particularly in the feet and toes. Graviola may help reduce the acid, which prevents or decreases the symptoms of Gout.  


Does Graviola help reduce the incidence of certain types of Cancer? Some experts report a link between Graviola supplementation and a lower number of cancer cells in the body. It is not suggested as a main treatment for cancer, but it could be a useful augmentation to your current protocols. 

As always, consult with your doctor before taking Graviola supplements, especially if you have health issues that could cause side effects. Graviola has great potential as a holistic approach for some chronic conditions; talk to a healthcare professional to learn more.

Reach out to a retailer to learn more about 32 oz liquid Graviola tree supplements.

About Me

home health care for children and adults

Having a special needs child introduces so many complications into the life of a family. The minute my niece was diagnosed with a very rare liver disorder, our entire family came together to try to help with her care. Unfortunately, even with so many people pulling together to help my sister through the day, she was still being run ragged. That is when the home health care worker came into play. If you are considering a home health care worker, this blog could help you learn about the services that are provided for both children and adults requiring a great deal of medical attention at home.
